Department of Basic Sciences
The department of Basic Sciences was established in 2010. It is currently headed by Dr. Anita Rani (Assistant Professor in Physics). The aim of the department throughout its survival for more than nine years has been to endow with up to date instruction to our students to meet the requirement of trained manpower in Physics, Chemistry, Botany, Zoology and Environment for teaching, research, engineering and other vocations. It has established itself as a center of excellence with well-qualified faculty and modern teaching, computer and research laboratories. The seven teachers in the department have a doctorate degree, eight are CSIR-NET qualified while two teachers have masters in philosophy. The faculty is highly competent as our six faculty members have qualified PSTET. The department has been stimulating undergraduate and postgraduate teaching programs through various teaching methodologies that includes a series of lectures through charts, transparencies, LCDs, models, slides, video lectures (, extension lectures, practical demonstrations, etc. The department is well known for organizing the various seminars (ERTP-2019,sponsored by DCDC,PU Chandigarh), workshops (NSAR-2019 in collaboration with IANCS-BARC, Mumbai), and camps (DST-2019,sponsored by DST, New Delhi).The department offers under-graduate programs in medical and non-medical streams while it offers higher studies (masters) in physics with flexible learning and academic excellence. Most of the students qualify are admitted to a masters in prestigious institutions while others are serving on good ranks in various government and private sectors in India and abroad.
Library The department has a well-stocked Library with nearly 1100 books and many regular scientific journals.
Herbarium The department also houses a well maintained Herbarium with rich collection of Angiosperms Gymnosperms and Ferns. All the herbarium sheets are well-labeled and preserved.
Botanical Garden The department also has a well kept Botanical Garden, focusing largely on ex-situ conservation of plants. The botanical garden has been spread over a large area with a collection of a wide range of plants, including various herbs, shrubs, trees and medicinally important plants which are labeled with their botanical names and families. A pond is also well-maintained in the territory of the garden to grow aquatic plants.

Museum The department has well established zoological museum enriched with a wide assortment of animals, including some of the rare specimen collection. Pupils capture the open idea of the anatomy of creatures by having close observations.
Details of courses
Name of course | No of Seats |
M.Sc-I (Physics) | 40 |
M.Sc-II (Physics) | 40 |
B.Sc I (Med.) | 33 |
B.Sc II (Med.) | 33 |
B.Sc III (Med.) | 33 |
B.Sc I (Non-Med) | 90 |
B.Sc II (Non-Med) | 90 |
B.Sc III (Non-Med) | 90 |
Faculty Profile
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Physics laboratory
Department of Basic Sciences has well-equipped under-graduate and post graduate In addition, there is separate Optics laboratory for carrying out different experiments. Under-Graduation lab contains large number of equipments related to Physics experiments like Spectrophotometer, G.M. counter ,Oscillators, C.R.O., DSO, Pendulum ,sextant ,young’s modulus ,Poisson ratio , Desauty Bridge , Carey foster bridge, PN junction, Zener diode, Anderson bridge, hall effect, modulation and demodulation etc. Post-Graduation lab contains equipments like astable and monostable multivibrators, RLC resonance apparatus, Semiconductor band gap, flip flops, logic gates, experimentation with diode, Frequency modulation and demodulation, amplitude modulation and demodulation, ultrasonic measurements, clipper and clamper, four probe apparatus, Colpitt oscillator, hall effect, Planck’s constant, Fresnel biprism, sodium lamp and power supply, hybrid parameters, hysteresis loop, electronic kits etc. To attain better understanding of optics and laser, there is separate dark room. Here all apparatus like Polarimeter, laser Sources, Planck’s constant, spectrometer, flashing and quenching of neon bulb, hydrogen gas discharge tube, ionization potential of mercury etc. are available.

Chemistry laboratory
Chemistry laboratory is well-established and equipped with number of instruments like Distillation plant, Conductivity cell, Centrifuge Machine, Calorimeter (digital), Beckmann Apparatus, Electronic Balance, Mechanical Stirrer, Fuming Hood, Oven, Electrical Melting Point Apparatus, Hot plate, Spectrophotometer, Vacuum pump, Shaker with six plates, Refractometer Atomic model, Analytical Balances, etc., chemicals and glass apparatus such as Stalgomometers, Viscometers, pippetes, burretes, measuring cylinders, condensers, reagent bottles, flasks etc. are present in lab.

Botany laboratory
Botany lab is well-equipped with instruments like student & binocular microscopes, dissecting microscopes, hot air oven, weighing balance, simple potometer, respirometer, Ganong’s respirometer, clinostat, etc. There are multiple copies of preserved plant specimens belonging to different categories and phyla as Algae, Fungi, Bryophytes, Pteridophytes, Gymnosperms, and Angiosperms for studying the morphology and anatomy of different plants. For better understanding of students, charts depicting structure, function and life cycles of various genera are used while teaching. Permanent slides showing the internal structures of the all the plant groups help the students have an in-depth understanding. Hands on training are given to all the students for performing various experiments. Audio-visual aids are used to give a better understanding to the students about the fascinating world of plants. An important feature of the department is its well laid out ‘Botanical garden’ with sound irrigation facilities and zigzag paths. The plant wealth of the garden includes different plants having medicinal, ethical and ecological values belonging to different families of Angiosperms and Gymnosperms. Each plant is provided with name plate giving information about botanical name, family and uses. Additionally, a pond containing hydrophytes and net house covering shade-loving plants is also present in the territory of Botanical garden. With the help of expert teachers, students explore different localities and collect wild plants to prepare herbarium files. Vermi-compost unit is under way for the utilization of the vegetable waste of the College Campus.

Zoology laboratory
The Zoology lab is equipped with ultramodern instruments like spectrophotometer, incubator, binocular microscopes, electronic weighing balance, water bath, digital pH meter, etc. for giving clear practical knowledge to the students. There is a vast range of specimens of organisms of different phyla and classes in well established ‘Museum’. The high resolution microscopes help in studying the minute details of the organisms. The histological slides help in having a detail idea of structure of various tissues. Various kinds of bones of different animals are available in the lab for studying detailed osteology. Many experiments related to blood physiology and biochemistry are also performed by students to get the clear conception of theoretical aspects. The department uses audio-visual aids for demonstration of dissections of various animals. Various educational visits are organized to places of interest to get practical idea of behavior of animals.

Department Activities
Images of Basic Science Department